"On behalf of the residents of the Vale of Evesham I offer sincere condolences to all those affected by the recent tragic accident.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with those families who have lost loved ones and to all those suffering from injury and shock.

Councillor John Smith, chairman of Wychavon

District Council,

"People who feel they may wish to be involved in prayers for the bereaved and injured and their families can join us at All Saints' for prayers at our daily 12noon service of prayers. We are using this service as a special service in relation to the incident."

The Reverend Richard Armitage, Vicar of Evesham.

"We were all devastated at the news. The whole town is in mourning and I don't think Evesham will be the same for a long while."

"We have the greatest of sympathy for the Spring family who have served the town and district so well for such a long time. What has happened was a great tragedy for them.

"We have every sympathy with all the relatives of the victims and our thoughts and best wishes are with the injured and their families.

"There will be hardly anyone in Evesham who has not been affected directly or indirectly and this tragedy will leave its mark in the Vale."

Mayor Diana Raphael.