The depot of WR Spring and Son at Hinton-on-the-Green is in the West Worcestershire constituency of Sir Michael Spicer and he visited staff there on Monday to express his sympathy with them.

Sir Michael also called on Roy Spring, founder of the firm 54 years ago, at the firm's headquarters in Lime Street, Evesham, to offer his condolences on the loss of his son, Graham, and his other driver, Chris Sloane and his wife, Karen.

Sir Michael added: "I am going to look very carefully at the police report into the accident when it is produced to see if there are any safety implications, particularly to see if we should introduce a law on seat belts in coaches."

Lord Janner of Braunstone is to launch a campaign aimed at making the installation and use of seat belts in coaches a legal requirement.

The former Labour MP, who campaigned for the introduction of a front seat belt law before the legislation was introduced in 1983, made the call following the M25 crash.

He said he would be tabling a question on the matter in the House of Lords.