FESTIVE thieves have been targeted by Kidderminster Police who have stepped up town centre patrols for the Christmas and New Year period.

Operation Jingle, which started on Monday and finishes on Saturday, January 4, will see "extra high visibility patrols" aimed at disorder and vehicle crime.

But people have been urged to do their bit.

PC Billy Keys said: "Simple measures such as not leaving bags on display in unattended motor vehicles make life more difficult for a thief."

PC Keys said the operation will "maximise resources".

"We aim to have extra police resources in the town when they are needed most.

"We will be working hard to ensure the town centre is a safe place for your enjoyment," he added.

Anyone caught stealing from a store which is a member of KRISP - Kidderminster Retail and Safety Programme - will be banned from all the others bearing the handprint sign, which is the majority of town centre stores.