MOORLANDS Farm's Winter League is currently led by Redditch team Shakespeare.

The latest round of the league was fished on Saturday with the following results.

Individuals: M Talbot (Kamasan) 95lb 6oz (Meadow Pool peg 54), Neil McKinnon (Shakespeare) 67-9 (Meadow 4), P Weaver (Roonies) 58-8 (Meadow 12).

Teams on the day: VDE Top 4 14 points, Trabucco 15, Shakespeare 20.

Teams overall: Shakespeare 9, VDE Top 4 9, Trabucco 10, Welsh Roonies 14, Mosella UK 29, VDE Lifestyle 32.

Wednesday Open: Kieron Rich 80-6, D Caldwell 69-2, David James 53-13.

Thursday, Meadow Pool: T King 53-0 (7), L Harris 38-0 (18), M Bedford 37-4.

Sunday, Meadow and Moors: Mal Watson 86-15, Wayne Russon 75-6, B Marklew 73-7.