Re Fiona George's letter 'Have we forgotten already'. I agree with her whole heartedly and feel ashamed that until this year my husband and I have never offered to do a street collection for the Poppy Appeal. In our defence I thought there would be no shortage of collectors for such a worthy cause, how wrong I was and I would beg all of you to give some time next year and join the wonderful band of people, who every year take to the streets with their trays of poppies.

I found it very enlightening and in some ways quite sad, I wondered what would have happened if my grandfather and some very good friends, my own father and his brothers had said when called up for the First World War "Oh I don't really want to answer the call I'll just hide here for a while until the trouble has passed."

Thank you to all the people who gave so willingly in our area and perhaps next year more of you will contribute, either by collecting or giving or both. They gave their lives surely we should be able to spare a few hours of our time to help all those who need the support of the Royal British Legion.

J E HUTCHINGS, St Johns Close, Evesham.