INTEREST AND LEISURE CLUB: At the ordinary meeting and AGM the chairman, Ben Jeffrey, opened with a request for a minute's silence in remembrance of Mrs Margaret MacLeod who was an active member in the earlier days of the club.

Then followed the presentation of three charity cheques for £400 each to the matron of Moreton Hospital and David Glaisyer for Friends of Moreton Hospital League, to Mrs Ann Newell, county air ambulance and Mr David Baker, Moreton Royal British Legion. All gave their thanks.

Mr Algie Hopes, in charge of club dancing, was presented with a gift and congratulated on reaching his 90th birthday. Mrs Johnnie Johnson, oldest member, has knitted 60 Father Christmas serviette holders for the Christmas party, she was warmly thanked.

The chairman commended all the committee for their excellent work. Reports followed from Mrs Barbara Smith on outings, Mr Dudley Smith (treasurer) and Mrs Mavis McLoughlin (secretary) and Mr Bob Lamb (for the Ramblers). Presentations were made to Mr and Mrs Smith plus flowers for the ladies including Mrs Jose Morgan and a gift for her committee work. The chairman called for replacements for the above retiring members. Mr Cliff Bradley offered to be secretary for a trial six months, Mrs Haines as treasurer and Mr Alan Noyce to do outings and holidays and Mrs Dorothy Day as a committee member.

HISTORY: A talk called The Poor Are Always With Us - 1597 to 1914, was given by James Turtle, of the County Records Office, at the November meeting of Moreton and District Local History Society at the WI Hall. He was thanked by chairman Guy Stapleton.

The society is embarking on a new venture this year by publishing a 2003 calendar illustrated with old photos of Moreton and district. Committee member Mike Rees is in charge of production.

The next meeting takes the form of a concert and Christmas party at the White Hart on Friday, December 6, with a selection of songs and carols by Blockley Ladies Choir. The chairman announced that proposed outings for next year included a day in Ludlow in June and a visit to the Birmingham assay office with its silver collection and hallmarking video show in September.