ARC: At the AGM major changes in the organisation of ARC nationally are reflected in the reformed committee. After 20 years of service and being founder members, resignations were accepted with many thanks for all their help from George Mason (president), Daphne Higgins (membership secretary) and Paula Baylis (assistant membership secretary). Treasurer, Laura Joyce also stood down, and another committee member, Peggy Cofield, has also done so. All were thanked and long service awards made as appropriate. HQ in future will take over the treasurership and the other posts remain vacant. Remaining on committee are: Sheila Grantham (chairman), Marion Mayrick (vice-chairman), Toni Hall (secretary), Helen Fowler (publicity secretary), Mary Marshall (ARC goods) and Ann Holland (committee member). Members look forward to a successful Christmas Fair on December 7.

ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION: When Pershore and District branch of the Royal Naval Association held their meeting last Monday, members were a little surprised when their chairman, Ted Annis, called the meeting to a close much earlier than usual. It was only when Ted got home that he realised that he'd forgotten to put his watch back the hour and now owes his shipmates a drink for the one they missed out on!

Having attracted over 35 members since launching in September, the association is growing into an active part of the local community and several members took part in the Remembrance Sunday parade in Pershore, marching the first time in many years. The branch is actively fundraising to buy its own Standard to be dedicated.

Forthcoming association events include a day trip to Gloucester docks on December 8 (with Christmas shopping included of course) and the inaugural dinner on December 20 at The Coach and Horses, Pinvin, with guest speaker coun John Smith, chairman of Wychavon District Council and president of Evesham Sea Cadets.

Anybody who wishes to join the association can contact Ted on 01386 552889 (after 6pm) - membership is £6 for a full year and associate members are welcome.

The RNA is a registered charity for those naval people who wish to carry on their special comradeship and give support to all naval people and their families - especially the sick and less fortunate.

FILM AT NUMBER 8: Pershore and District Film Society, Saturday, November 23, 'The Importance of Being Ernest', (U), 1hour 34 mins. Starring Rupert Everett, Colin Firth, Reese Witherspoon, Judi Dench, Frances O'Connor, Tom Wilkinson, Anna Massey, Edward Fox.

GALLERY AT NUMBER 8: Currently showing until November 30 - The Seasons - an exhibition of paintings in watercolour and pastels by John Milsom.

CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES AT NUMBER 8: Christmas Capers - Leave the Christmas shopping to the big people and get into the festive spirit at Number 8. On three Saturdays in the run-up to Christmas. Come and make seasonal goodies to take home. Beginning Saturday, November 30.

Telephone Charlotte at Number 8 on 01386 561906 to book a place.

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION WOMENS SECTION: The monthly meeting was opened with the exhortation said by chairman Wendy Griffiths. After the secretary's and treasurer's reports were read names were taken for the county conference which is taking place at Worcester on November 23. The 150 club and raffle were drawn followed by refreshments. Mrs Pauline Granville-Jolly gave a talk about the Inner Wheel and its work.

At the next meeting there will be a table top sale and being the Christmas meeting, entertainment has been arranged. Old and new members welcome.