A CANDLELIT Christmas procession will wind its way through Stourport tomorrow - lighting up the town as it goes.

Technical wizardry means festive lights will automatically switch on as the Three Kings Parade passes through the streets.

This year sees an extra £6,000 worth of decorations in the town centre, donated by businesses, and an animated Father Christmas outside the Swan Hotel on the High Street.

Organisers predict thousands of people will descend on the town to see "one of the best displays in the Midlands".

Pupils from Lickhill Middle School will lead the parade, carrying three giant papier mache models of the biblical figures through Bridge Street and High Street.

The seasonal spectacle will also boast music from the Stourport Scout and Guide Band and a choir from town churches and Lickhill Middle School.

Mayor Don Giles, Father Christmas and the carnival queen, princess and rosebud will be in the throng, along with BBC Hereford and Worcester radio presenter Mike George.

The procession will pause outside Oxfam to bless a crib before everyone assembles at the Villeneuve-le-Roi Gardens where Mr George will illuminate a 60 ft Christmas tree and the garden lights.

Mr Giles and representatives of town churches will make speeches, and carols will be sung, accompanied by the Lickhill Middle School steel band and Stourport High School orchestra.

A street collection will raise money for the mayor's two nominated charities - Kemp Hospice and Wyre Forest Citizens Advice Bureau.

Last year between 4,000 and 5,000 people attended the event, which is organised by Stourport Business Association and the town council.

"There's an open invitation for any children or adults to join the parade," said organiser Pete Roberts.

"Bring candles or torches and dress up by all means."

The parade gets underway from Stourport Sports Centre at 6pm.

Leaflets, which include hymn sheets, are available from town centre shops.