VISUALLY-impaired pupils in Worcester are preparing for a crown court showdown in the regional heats of a national competition.

Twelve students, from the RNIB New College, in Whittington Road, Worcester, have been selected to take to the bar in the mock trial competition Birmingham heat.

It is a unique opportunity for 15 to 18-year-olds to gain hands-on experience of the legal system.

On Saturday, November 23, the students will take part in a mock court scene in front of a real judge at Birmingham Crown Court.

"They're all practising like fury," said principal Nick Ratcliffe.

"We're really pleased to have got this far. There are greater challenges in preparing the information and we're hoping to go further in the competition.

"We have two students who are considering a career in law and criminology already.

"This will sharpen up their ambition. It's an excellent career for blind and visually-impaired students.

"This will show them there's no bar to a career in law and we want to set their sights high."

The school had to make a submission to be selected for the heat to show that the school had students who could play the roles effectively.

The competition is organised by the Citizenship Foundation, sponsored by the Bar Council and publishers Collins.

Three mock trials will be held during the day, with pupils taking on a variety of different roles within the criminal justice system.

Two schools will go through to the final round of the day and the winner will represent the region at the national final in April.

"Participation in the competition allows students to develop skills in communication, sharing ideas and formulating policies encouraging them to think about and understand their role in the community," said David Bean QC, chairman of the Bar Council.