A SECOND award has been bestowed on Worcester's new riverside improvement project.

The Quayside scheme, which was opened in March after being developed at a cost of £462,000, has a 13-jet fountain as it focal point and an extension of St Andrew's Gardens.

The award for Excellence in the Design of Public Space was presented to officers from Worcester City Council during a ceremony in London.

The judges praised the work, which they said was "imaginative with lots of interest and special features".

"I am delighted that the creativity, commitment and hard work of officers and members of Worcester City Council have been recognised in this way," said councillor Martin Clarke, portfolio holder for development services.

"It's Quayhead's second award and to beat major entries from so many authorities, many of them larger, is a real triumph.

"An area somewhat 'down at heel' has been transformed into a wonderful new and popular open space.

"The scheme is an excellent example of how sympathetic redevelopment of our historic city can go hand-in-hand with the preservation of Worcester's outstanding architectural heritage."

The project was funded by the council and the Duckworth Trust.