A LIFETIME of billets doux between a couple will be read out loud at the Norbury Theatre.

The play, Love Letters, which starts next week, consists of two actors reading the letters, which build up a picture of the couple and their relationship.

"This unique and imaginative theatre piece is compiled of letters exchanged over a lifetime between two people who grew up together, went their separate ways but continued to share confidences," said Margaret Withers, who handles publicity for the Droitwich theatre.

"As the actors read from the lifetime of exchanged letters, what emerges is an evocative, touching, frequently funny, but always telling pair of character studies.

"What is implied is as revealing and meaningful as what is written down."

Love Letters is directed by Mike Matthews and the couple, Andy and Melissa, are played by Ian Gane and Pauline Beale.

The play runs at the Norbury Theatre, on Friar Street, from Thursday, November 28, to Saturday, November 30, at 7.45pm.

Tickets are available from the box office on 01905 770154 or 01905 795619.