A £24,000 Safer Routes to School plan drawn up for Upton-upon-Severn takes no account of the town's traffic-free alleyways.

The scheme, put forward by Worcestershire County Council, was "going over the top", said the Mayor, Coun Eric White.

It included making a path from the school playing field to Gardens Walk, apparently ignoring the existence of Price's Lane, he told town councillors.

"None of what we consider to be safer routes, ie the alleyways, have been mentioned in this report," said Coun White.

"They have suggested increasing the pavement on the school side at the top of School Lane so that children can walk straight down and they are also proposing a pathway from the school, through the playing field down to Gardens Walk. What is wrong with Price's Lane?

"It is not their ground, it belongs to a charity and the estimate without any compulsory purchase runs to £24,000.

"But we do think they are going over the top."

The Mayor and district councillor Mary Wilkinson are due to attend a site meeting to discuss the proposals on Tuesday, November 26.