A MEMORIAL bench has been given pride of place in a school playground to commemorate a young pupil who died this summer.

Hollie O'Brien, who attended Warndon Infants School, died in August after suffering a bad reaction to chemotherapy she was receiving in her battle against leukaemia.

The four-year-old had been diagnosed with the disease in July.

"She attended the morning nursery which she started in September last year," said Debbie Westwood, Hollie's mother.

"She really loved it there.

"As the school went back this September they decided they wanted to donate a bench with a plaque on and also make a donation to charity.

"Me and Hollie's dad, Vince O'Brien, thought it was a very nice idea and it's now in the nursery garden, which is in keeping with the fact that she was in the nursery class."

Miss Westwood and Mr O'Brien have visited the memorial bench and had a selection of pictures taken.

"The school presented us with a cheque, which was donated to Children with Leukaemia, which is the charity that we have chosen to support," said Miss Westwood, from Keswick Drive, Warndon.

"We have also given the money raised at the funeral to the charity to help other children."

A memorial service in honour of Hollie was staged at the school when pupils returned after the summer holiday.

"The service, on one of the first days back, was held to try and explain to the other children what had happened," said Mrs Westwood.

"I went along to that assembly and the school has been brilliant. Her teachers still ring me every few weeks, which I really appreciate."

Margaret Probett, headteacher at Warndon Infants School, said Hollie's death had "touched the whole school".

"The friends of the school have purchased the seat and plaque in her memory and parents have raised £154 for the Children with Leukaemia charity," she added.