A WOMAN who punched another woman in the face then kicked a police officer has been jailed for five months.

Annette Biddle admitted two charges of assault when she appeared before Worcester magistrates.

A 17-year-old girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, also admitted assaulting the woman and a further charge of obstructing a police officer.

Sally Hill, prosecuting, told the court yesterday that Biddle, aged 27, and the other defendant saw the woman, who was known to them, sitting in the window of Butlers Caf, in High Street, Evesham.

"They entered the premises and started shouting and swearing at her, calling her a little bitch," she said.

"It was fairly apparent that both were suffering from the effects of alcohol - they were both very drunk."

The court heard that the youth started the assault by punching the woman.

"Biddle then grabbed her by her clothing and punched her in the face causing a cut to the inside of her mouth," Mrs Hill said.

They were asked to leave the caf and were picked up by police later.

But Biddle, of Allens Hill, Pinvin, near Pershore, struggled violently with officers and had to be sprayed with CS spray so they could restrain her.

"She also assaulted an officer on the way to the police station by kicking out at her repeatedly," Mrs Hill said.

Biddle told police she could not remember anything about the incident because she had taken an ecstasy tablet and had been drinking as well.

Barry Newton, defending, urged magistrates not to jail her.

He told the court that she had responded well when put on probation in 1999.

"There was no violence when she was subject to that order," he said.

"Repeated imprisonment is not stopping this young lady because the offending is fuelled by drink.

"If she is abusing alcohol at her age the future looks pretty bleak and a custodial sentence is not going to address that," Mr Newton added.

Magistrates sentenced Biddle to a total of five months in prison.

Her co-accused was remitted to the youth court and her case was adjourned for pre-sentence reports.