EVENING News staff who stripped for charity are up against competition from workers at a Worcestershire packaging company.

Our hunky reporters peeled off to produce a saucy calendar for Acorns Children's Hospice.

But they are now being given a run for their money by de la Pak's charity calendar, which the models claim is "witty and a tinge suggestive".

Twelve men at the company based in Cropthorne, near Evesham, appear in risqu poses for each month of the year.

Profits will be going to the cancer-fighting charity Cobalt Unit Appeal Fund.

Staff took the initiative after a colleague was diagnosed as having the disease earlier this year.

Melanie Freckleton, from de la Pak, said she was "thrilled to bits with the calendars", which will be sold for £5.

"It's been a lot of fun and we're very pleased with the result," she said.

"We're also very pleased to be helping the fund, as well as our colleague."

De la Pak's calendars, produced by Jeremy Field, of Media House, Worcester, are available from Ros Payne or Melanie Freckleton on 01386 554441.

Evening News calendars, priced at £3.50, can be bought from the Hylton Road and Hopmarket offices, or on 01905 748200.