The now, almost annual debate, regarding the decaying state of Malvern town centre is with us once again.

The prophets of doom and gloom once more seek 'someone' to come up with a solution, a 'retail Messiah'. The answer is simple. You get what you deserve.

The economics of retail businesses are simple; sell a product that people want, at a price people are prepared to pay.

The people of Malvern have answered, with their purses and wallets. With a few notable exceptions of long standing and well run businesses, they would rather go to Worcester or Merry Hill or wherever.

It doesn't matter what the business rate is - and the district council does not receive a penny of business rates - or how many brilliant town centre managers it employs, the council does not run shops, and it does not close down uneconomic businesses.

So before you reach for your pen to bemoan the state of the town, ask yourself, "Where did I buy my lounge carpet from, or my three piece suite, or my curtains?"

Terry Ford, Clerkenwell Crescent, Malvern.