A ROW over a controversial Kidderminster speed limit change has helped prompt the government to avoid future confusion nationwide.

More than 100 drivers protested after they were caught speeding in a 30mph limit - and face a £60 fine and three penalty points - while travelling south in Chester Road South.

The limit has been reduced from 40mph but motorists stressed no new signs warned of the change.

Wyre Forest MP Dr Richard Taylor wrote to the Department for Transport highlighting his constituents' plight - and has now been informed future reductions will be advertised by new signs.

"We've had a minor victory," he said.

"I can't say I've got anybody off their fines yet but the Government has admitted it's inadequate when you reduce a 40mph limit to a 30mph limit just to remove the 40mph signs - which is what they did in Chester Road South."

Dr Taylor added: "The Government has agreed in future where a 40mph limit is reduced to 30mph they will, as well as taking down 40mph signs, put up a reminder telling people it's changed."

A Department for Transport spokesman said: "We recognise that sometimes this method of lowering a speed limit has caused confusion for some motorists."

The MP has also written to the Central Ticket Office in Droitwich - which decides whether to prosecute drivers - asking for "leniency".