At the October meeting, "Pennies for Friendship" were collected.

Jean Johnson reported on the success of the September Flower, Produce and Craft show, when there were 215 entries.

Maggie Gregg reported on the Leys Group meeting, at Arley.

A team entered the Quiz Night, organised by the Friends of St Peter's Church, and members attended the half-yearly council meeting in Perdiswell.

A fund-raising trip to Cardiff has been organised for November 27, and several members are going to see Jennie Bond at The Glades Leisure Centre, on November 29.

How the War Ended for One German Lady was the title of V Day's talk. She told tales of her life, from when she worked in her uncle's hotel, to the outbreak of war, when the family farmhouse was taken over by British troops. She eventually married one of these soldiers, came to England with him, and ran a hotel.

The annual meeting will be held on November 11.