PARISH COUNCIL: It was noted that Streetlight 30 is still out. The clerk replied that she had already asked Pirelli to look at the light again.

Concern was expressed at the temporary barriers still in place at the crossroads. The clerk agreed to contact Highways again to ask if they could be replaced properly.

Playground: A quote is being awaited for the swings. Coun R Mustard questioned whether the area should be sprayed for weeds again, and also whether a new membrane should be put underneath the bark surface. Coun D Biddle replied that he would obtain a quote for this, but pointed out that it would add to the cost and a decision must be taken as to what is actually wanted on the site.

An estimate of £135 per hour plus VAT had been given by Gordon Bancks for looking at the Memorial Hall Declaration of Trust. Coun R Mustard asked that a meeting be arranged between parish councillors, members of the hall committee and any other interested villagers, in order to discuss the future of the hall. Coun R Elliott agreed to provide copies of the Declaration for all members.

It was agreed that £500 should be spent on the installation of a barrier across the car park entrance to prevent unauthorised access. Keys to unlock it would be held by users of the hall, the First School and parishioners, as yet undecided.

Wychavon District Council: Parish skips are ceasing at the end of October. On November 1 a new bookable free service for bulky household waste comes into operation, whereby each property will be entitled to two units twice a year. A full list of these items is available, but excludes fridges and freezers. For these and other items not on the list, a charge of £13 will be made per unit. Wychavon will review the scheme at the end of the financial year.

Throckmorton Airfield Asylum Seekers accommodation - The Protest march on August 31 had been well attended and received much media attention. Awareness of the campaign had been raised and Evesham Chamber of Commerce and Town Council are willing to sponsor the printing and distribution of a future newsletter in the town.

The PACT steering group is now working towards the planning submission, due at the end of October, and starting to prepare for the inquiry, expected next July.

First School: Several children from the village who had not been granted places in September have now been accepted due to other children moving from the school.

Hill and Moor Liaison: The Worcestershire County Council waste contract is in the process of being reviewed. Meanwhile, Severn Waste has been granted permission to increase the amount of waste entering Hill and Moor to 400,000 tonnes for the next three years only.