GARDENING CLUB: The annual general meeting was held at Wickhamford Village Hall. Attendance was a little disappointing with 18 members present. There was one change to the committee in that Mr D. Hadley stood down as secretary, remaining as a committe member, and the position as secretary being taken over by Mrs.Julia Browning. Mr Colin Hill remains as chairman, Mr Tony Smith as treasurer with Mrs Beryl Stratton and Mrs Ros Fairbrother as committee members. It was decided to elect a new president at the next meeting, the position being vacant due to the death of Mr Freddie Potter.

Following the meeting a plant identity quiz was held, the winners being Derrick and Rowlatt Cook.

The monthly competition of a fruiting or berried branch was won by Beryl Stratton.

Tickets for the social evening to be held on Wednesday, November 27, are now on sale, available from committee members or telephone 01386 830347.