INTEREST AND LEISURE CLUB: The last outing in 2002 for the club was to Salisbury Cathedral..

On arrival most members went to visit the magnificent cathedral which has so much to offer, especially the many and varied stained glass windows. In the 13th century Chapter House can be seen a medieval frieze depicting scenes from the first two books of the Bible, Genesis and Exodus.

After leaving the cathedral there was time just to look around the city its historical buildings and modern shopping centre.

Back on the coach Mrs Mavis McLoughlin thanked Mr and Mrs Smith and the driver for arranging such an enjoyable day.

GARDENING CLUB: The club held its first meeting of the winter programme in the Womens Institute Hall. There was a good atten-dance with several new members. The chairman welcomed members and apologised for the non appearance of the ad-vertised speaker owing to a recent stroke. The chairman then showed slides of colour in the garden throughout the year. The November meeting will be the AGM.