YOUTH CLUB: The club opened its doors again in September in the village hall at the start of its second term. The club was formed to provide social opportunities for young people resident with Blackwell and the surrounding villages of Armscote, Darlingscott, and Ilmington, Tredington, and welcomes members from any area. It meets, with a leader and adult helpers, on the first and third Tuesday, term time and covers the ages of 8-25 within two sessions. Contact Nikki on 01608 682281 for information.

A programme of fund-raising activities has been planned and as part of this the Blackwell Autumn Craft Fair 2002 was held in the village when more than 18 craftsmen and women from throughout South Warwickshire and North Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire displayed examples of their work. The fair was well attended by members of the public from Stratford-upon-Avon, Leamington, Warwick, Moreton-in-Marsh and villages in between, who bought and ordered Christmas gifts plaster work, Christmas cakes and home-made chocolates, preserves of all kinds, candle decorations, water-colours, decoupage cards, executive games and items, painted furniture, ceramics, silk scarves, calendars, toys and items for younger people, and wrought iron ware.

After the event, the proceeds from the fair, about £1,220, were distributed between two local charities: Blackwell Youth Club, which serves the surrounding villages and the Village Hall Committee whose function, is to maintain this hall and provide social opportunities for local residents.

The next event Blackwell Youth Club will be holding is prize bingo on the November 15, eyes down at 7pm. At Blackwell Village Hall. Everyone welcome.