THE theft of a half bottle of whisky from a supermarket ended up costing the thief £500, after a Worcester Crown Court hearing.

Lewis Arthur, aged 35, of Derwent Close, Hurcott Road, Kidderminster, had elected trial by jury but changed his plea to guilty of theft at the last minute.

He walked into the Safeway store in Kidderminster on May 21 and concealed the drink under his clothing.

But he was chased by staff and the theft was filmed on the shop's security video, said Adam Western, prosecuting. Arthur had a record of eight thefts and three frauds.


Defence counsel Miss Evelyn Bugeja said drink had been a major problem in the roofer's life, but he had now formed a stable relationship and turned away from crime.

She said he was earning £200 a week from his job and work kept him out of trouble.

Judge Michael Mott told Arthur to forget stealing whisky in future "because it's not worth it".

He said the defendant had to decide what was valuable in life or he could face more jail.

He fined Arthur £100 and ordered him to pay £400 prosecution costs.