AS it stands today, for two days next week, assuming the firefighters' 48-hour strike goes ahead as planned from Tuesday, emergency calls in Malvern are set to be covered by two RAF crews based in Worcester.

No doubt they will do their best, but it does appear we have some cause for concern.

We're inclined to have some sympathy with what the firefighters are asking for. A salary of £30,000 does not seem unreasonable for a demanding and skilled job, let alone one for which on occasion you may be asked to put your life on the line.

But 40 per cent in one go is a lot to ask and the union deserves some criticism for having allowed its members to fall so far behind.

That said, we all know the dispute is eventually going to be settled by some pay agreement phased in over a period so why doesn't the Government face up to its responsibilities and sit down around the negotiating table.

Should firemen ever be allowed to strike? It's fine in theory but what if their employers just won't listen?

While we're inclined to sympathise, whether public sympathy will survive any major incident or loss of life is very doubtful. Let's hope all is resolved before Tuesday and we don't have to take the risk.