SO Coun Alec Wall states in his letter regarding sports provision for Malvern (Your Letters, October 18) that when the Malvern Theatres get £600,000 from MHDC, Tenbury Wells is entitled to expect additional funding for its sports facilities.

While this may be the case, Alec has a short memory. He forgets the funding Tenbury received from MHDC shortly after its formation for schemes such as the refurbishment of the Pump Rooms. This was freely given in good spirit by the previous administration as a magnanimous gesture towards the people of Tenbury.

Compare this with his mean spirited remarks regarding provision for anything in Malvern. It is symptomatic of the rural dominated current administration of MHDC. It has to be said that where Malvern is concerned they are detached and out of touch with the legitimate hopes and expectations of its residents.

There was a feasible proposal for an affordable stand alone sports hall in Malvern when they assumed power. It is highly symbolic that it is still on the drawing board because they lack the political will to make it happen.

Clive Smith, Greenfields Road, Malvern Link.