I WOULD like to endorse David Head's letter about Lidl's proposed supermarket in Malvern Link (Your Letters, October 18).

In a consumer survey conducted in 2000 Lidl achieved the highest customer satisfaction rating of any retailer, surpassing many well known high street traders including Marks & Spencer.

I have followed the progress of the planning applications for this store with interest and was present at the Southern Area Planning Committee meeting on June 4, 2001, when the last application was refused.

I was quite tickled by some of the things that were said particularly the almost manic request that the two lime trees should be made subject to TPOs as soon as possible!

This has, of course, now been done but I suggest readers have a look at these trees; the one outside the main Eurohaus building looks very sick!

I have an (unsubstantiated) feeling that there is an intent to frustrate this application by whatever means it takes!

KEITH BERRY, Nursery Road, Malvern.