Civic Centre, Stourport - Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass until Saturday.

Alexandra, Birmingham - The Rat Pack until Saturday. Tap Dogs Monday until November 2.

Crescent, Birmingham - Educating Rita until November 2. Howie the Rookie Friday and Saturday. Around the World in 80 Minutes Sunday.

Repertory, Birmingham - The Diary of Anne Frank until November 9. It's Just a Name until Friday. Tales from a Treehouse Monday and Tuesday. Romeo and Juliet Wednesday.

NIA, Birmingham - Beauty and the Beast on Ice Wednesday until November 10.

Grand, Wolverhampton - Boogie Nights until Saturday. South Pacific Tuesday until November 2.

Arena, Wolverhampton - Rattling Thursday. Sita Tuesday. Thor - The Giant Killer Wednesday.

Hippodrome, Birmingham - Women Beware Women Friday. Don Juan Comes Back from the War Thursday and Saturday. Dancing at Lughnasa Wednesday and November 1.

Swan, Worcester - River's Up until November 9. The Talented Mr Ripley until Saturday.

Festival, Malvern - The Tempest until Saturday. Single Spies Monday until November 2.

Town Hall, Stourbridge - Oliver! until Saturday.

Arts Centre, Warwick - Inside Out Thursday. Aida Friday. Did You Hear the One About the Irishman? until Saturday. A Passage to India until Saturday. The Travels Tuesday and Wednesday.