I REFER to the letter headed "Halt these crimes against our town" (Letters, October 10).

Like several recent correspondents, I hope it will be possible for Centros Miller to retain the Piano Building as part of their redevelopment scheme for Kidderminster town centre.

However, I felt that the criticisms of Wyre Forest's town planners were unjustified.

It is hardly fair to blame today's planners for Government policy in the 1960s which led to the building of the Swan Centre and the ring road.

The description of rebuilding the town library as a "sacrifice" is also debatable.

Regular users of the new library will appreciate how good the facilities are. It would have been expensive and difficult, if not impossible, to have provided these in the shell of the old building.

Anyone doubting whether "the planners" have the interests of the people of the town at heart should see October 3 front page one of the Shuttle where district planners are reported to be fighting to "safeguard" Kidderminster Hospital site for healthcare in the new local plan, opposed by Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.

Planners have to reconcile a wide range of conflicting interests when negotiating decisions on applications - developers wishing to maximise their profit, local people with very different ideals, and central government who want to be seen to encourage business, yet also please voters.

Decisions must be in compliance with local and central government policies and take into account a wide range of "other material considerations", while leaving no justification for appeal by the applicants.

They have a limited budget, time limits and performance targets to meet and must often feel more like a whipping boy than the "whip hand".

They deserve our support rather than criticism.


Crestwood Avenue
