PRESIDENT Georgina Hunt introduced district chairman Jean Gavin, who lit the Friendship Candle for Inner Wheel the world over.

Georgina went on to thank members for their help and support at her Sunday lunch, when a substantial amount was raised for charity.

Irene Gardner had received the invitation for members to attend the Mayor's Civic Service and the final service to be held by Canon David Salt at St Stephen's Church.

Rotarian Basil Gardner wished members to know that district Rotarian governor Harry Morris was now recovering from his sudden serious illness. Best wishes were sent.

Pat Pritchard announced she had decided to continue with her usual help for the needy by collecting non-perishable foods and her support would be for a hostel for the homeless in Birmingham.

Members promised to bring suitable items to the November meeting.

Georgina then invited Mrs Jean Gavin to talk about her role as district chairman.

She congratulated members on their 46 years of service both to Redditch and to charities in general, including overseas.