VICE-president Jeanne Bovett opened the October meeting by welcoming two new members.

Members were sorry to hear that

president Ann Thurrell was still receiving hospital treatment.

The skittles season begins with two matches in October.

A report was given on the luncheon club's last meeting, which had an amusing end!

The next lunch will be on October 17, followed by a visit to a farm.

Guest speaker for the evening was Dr Alan Ogden, who had come to talk about the Galapagos Islands - a place most had only heard about in connection with Charles Darwin.

A plane service run by the military operates from mainland Ecuador.

Tourists are taken aboard boats which are their hotels and transports.

The islands are strictly controlled for their scientific interest and tourists are allowed ashore in limited numbers and only with an official guide.

Most will never visit these islands so it was a privilege to see all the plants and habitats of birds, animals and reptiles with the aid of the beautiful slides taken by Dr Ogden.

Next month's meeting will be the AGM.