I HAVE had Mr Cowley's letter (You Say, October 5) brought to my attention, in which he claims there are more important matters for the church to be concerned with than sexual behaviour which most people regard "as a bit of fun."

Today, through Government legislation, which has lowered the standards of life, homosexuality, promiscuity and abortion are household words, where once they were found scribbled only on public lavatory walls.

There is hardly any adult in Western Society who does not know about our lower nature. Though we know about it, some refuse to call it lower nature. They simply call it natural.

St Paul makes quite a blunt contrast to the new moralists within and without the church when he says: "That to follow sensual desire for its own sake is spiritual death."

In the light of St Paul's teaching, and all those within the church who advocate homosexuality, it has to be asked: "Is the church spiritually dead?


Newland, Malvern.