A HEROIN addict who stole from the same supermarket two days running was arrested after a security guard recognised him.

Lee Shearer, who had stolen coffee, was recognised when he returned the next day to steal a tin of Roses chocolates from Safeway in Droitwich.

The 25-year-old was caught shoplifting on the store's CCTV cameras, Worcester Magistrates Court heard.

Suzanne Llewellyn, prosecuting, said Shearer took two tins of coffee, valued at £24.14 in total, from the supermarket on Tuesday, October 15.

"He removed the items from the display and left the store without paying for them," she said.

Mrs Llewellyn said the defendant entered the store the following day at about 1.30pm.

"He was seen by the security guard, who recognised him," she said.

"He was approached and seen going towards the exit. A tin of Roses was found under his jacket. He was arrested and interviewed.

"He said the reason for his theft was to buy heroin for his addiction."

Richard Wilkes, defending, said Shearer's heroin addiction had ruined his life so far.

"He's a very pleasant, shy, intelligent young man," he said.

"Previous convictions have been dealt with by custody, but prison hasn't worked."

Mr Wilkes asked for his client to be placed on a drug treatment and testing order.

Shearer, of Worcester YMCA, Henwick Road, St John's, admitted both charges of theft yesterday.

He was remanded in custody and had his case adjourned.