I REFER to the letters from Philip Weber, entitled "Taking trade elsewhere", and Phillip Oliver, "Feeble axing of cycle track needs rethink", (Shuttle/Times and News, September 12) with their comments on the proposed cycle path for Comberton Hill in Kidderminster.

Comberton Hill traders are not against the cycle path in principle, but against the position of such a path.

Cutting in front of shop doorways may easily result in hazardous conditions for people using Comberton Hill, not least senior citizens and mothers with push-chairs and young children coming out of the Post Office and other outlets on the hill.

We do want alterations and improvements for everyone who uses, lives and trades on Comberton Hill, but painting white lines down a busy pedestrian pavement, to me, does not constitute any improvement.

We welcome discussions with all interested parties.

As a trader on Comberton Hill, we have lost a large amount of free parking already and while yes, we are concerned as to our livelihoods, we are aware that the hill is a main artery to Kidderminster town centre. We would like to see many improvements, enabling people visiting the town by rail, cycle, car or on foot, to do so safely, or not to think what a rough place Kidderminster is before reaching the town centre.


Comberton Pine

Comberton Hill
