It is true that some residents are unhappy about the position of the crossing point in Feckenham Road, Headless Cross (Advertiser, September 11).

But your report failed to seek out or represent the views of those residents who are pleased with the results of the scheme so far.

Work is still under way but there are already significant benefits.

The overall speed of vehicles has been considerably reduced (a police report early in the planning stage reported that the average recorded speed on this 30mph road was 46mph); fewer large lorries and vans are using the road as a through-route and those drivers who spent the evenings seeing how fast they could get round the bend (or not) seem to have taken their hobby elsewhere.

In conjunction with other measures, the crossing point narrows the road on the southerly approach to the bend, reducing speed, and also prevents drivers from taking the wide line necessary to make the bend at speed from the north.

It is not in itself dangerous, although I appreciate that excessive speed may make it so.

I acknowledge that it is inconvenient in terms of parking.

However, it is my hope that the successful reduction of speed will, ultimately, improve safety for pedestrians (namely children) and those properties with driveways near the Marlpit Lane junction.

There was a lengthy and open consultation period prior to implementation and residents' views were actively sought by letter and through council and neighbourhood meetings.

A public exhibition of the proposals was advertised and well-attended last summer.

I understand that one set of speed bumps was removed from the plans after Councillor Pat Wilson expressed reservations concerning their position. I would have preferred that none of the traffic calming measures had been necessary and I do understand the feelings of those who have been inconvenienced (myself included).

However, this is not the fault of the county council, but of those whose thoughtless driving makes the 'Safer Routes to School' schemes necessary.

A great deal of grieving could be spared if everyone drove with safety, rather than time, at the forefront of their minds.

Mrs L Braithwaite

Feckenham Road

Headless Cross