DEAR EDITOR - Your newspaper publicised widely that there would be a silent protest at the site of the proposed new Waitrose store in Droitwich at the time when the Wychavon District Council planning committee would be making their site visit prior to discussing the matter at the planning meeting.

In the event there was a small demonstration of approximately forty people, but the leaders were armed with megaphones, making the demonstration far from silent. It was very disruptive to the democratic process.

I would urge the people who purport to represent 'Action for Droitwich' to cease their yah-boo megaphone tactics, and seek representation through the ballot box, for then we will soon see how wide their support is.

Waitrose would hardly have chosen Droitwich if they thought that parking would be a huge problem, for they have long experience of centre of town car parks shared with general shoppers.

This is a good deal for Droitwich in terms of employment, huge improvements in the built environment along the back of Friar Street and Gurneys Lane, and in the regeneration of the High Street.

Many people seem ignorant of the constraints under which we, as your local government members, operate. Central government dictates how developments of this nature should be sited and there is a strong emphasis on centre of town development wherever possible.

The planning committee also has to operate under strict guidelines which mean we are unable to engage in conversation or discussion with members of the public during our site visits.

We are not arrogant or haughty, but just trying to do a job in the best interests of the electorate at large.

Councillor Mrs Judy Pearce,

Dodderhill Ward,

Wychavon District Council.