IF you were woken in the dead of night by a screaming smoke detector triggered by flames licking their way through your house, would you have an escape plan?

Today sees the launch of the "make your plan, get out alive" campaign which aims to make people stop and think.

Last year, three people were killed and 75 were injured in the area covered by Hereford and Worcester fire brigade.

"Every year 400 people are killed and more than 12,500 are injured in house fires in the United Kingdom," said David O'Dwyer, chief fire officer of Hereford and Worcester.

"Making a fire action plan and thinking about how you would escape from your home can increase your chances of surviving a house fire.

"Latest figures suggest that only 38 per cent of adults claim to have considered routes of escape in the event of a fire.

"By making a plan and installing a smoke alarm you can give yourself valuable time and escape before its too late."

A 30-second advert offering practical advice will be shown on television for the first time today.

The three important messages include:

n Keep door and window keys so they can be found.

n Make sure everyone knows what to do in a fire.

n Keep all exits clear and free from clutter.

Ian Prust, community fire safety co-ordinator, welcomed the campaign.

"I hope this will make people stop and think about escape routes in the event of a fire - as the most important thing to do is exit the building.

"People should also make sure they keep to a bedtime routine which should include extinguishing all cigarettes and candles plus turning off electrical appliances.

"One of the most important things is to close all doors as this prevents the fire from spreading but allows the smoke to seam underneath which will set off a detector."

The campaign is being backed by Linda Barker, the star of television's Changing Rooms, who appears in a safety video.