SPA residents will be kept up-to-date on town issues thanks to a council magazine which is due to land on householders doormats this week.

The Wychavon Magazine, produced by the district council, will this month include information about which town groups and organisations received one of the authority's community grants.

There will also be the results from a residents' survey carried out by the council earlier this year, along with information about how you can vote.

And for the first time the quarterly magazine can be read online at

TWM's editor Anne-Marie Darroch said: "We aim to get a copy of the magazine to all our residents but we are aware of a few people who do miss out.

"Having the magazine on the website means more people have it at their fingertips and can look back at useful articles."

To submit news or articles for TWM, or if you don't receive it, contact Anne-Marie on 01386 565102.