WHATEVER you do, don't mention the war if you go to see a brand new play that received its world premiere in Worcester this week.

The Love Nest is a new farce from the pen of Raymond Hopkins, writer of Love Begins at Fifty.

"It's about a guesthouse in Torquay," said director Derek Chaplin.

"The couple who own the hotel have trouble in getting people to go there.

"It is a little bit reminiscent of Fawlty Towers. The owner's not meant to be John Cleese but he and his wife do have similar problems.

Into this scene enter a couple who are having troubles of their own.

"A couple come back to the guest house for a second honeymoon, but they bring along with them the mother-in- law," said Mr Chaplin.

The whole thing descends into farce as David, the husband, is pursued by an over-zealous waitress, a frustrated newly-wed and an admirer from the past.

David is played by Kevin Patton, Sue Denning plays his wife Janet, Sasha Powell is the waitress, Oliver Goldfinch the hotel owner and Audrey Holt the mother in law.

"This is the fourth play by Raymond Hopkins, but Love Begins at Fifty is his most famous," said Mr Chaplin.

Love Begins at Fifty premiered in Torquay, but this time Worcester has the honour.

There is a strong connection between Mr Hopkins, who is based in the Oxford area, and the Swan Theatre Company.

The theatre's resident amateur group has already performed Love Begins at Fifty - also directed by Mr Chaplin.

But the Love Nest premier was a stroke of luck.

"We were going to stage it next year but we moved it to this year, so we have the premiere," said Mr Chaplin.

"It's a very different play to Love Begins at Fifty, but they do have similar settings," he said.

The Love Nest opened last night and runs until Wednesday, September 7, at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 to £8 from the box office on 01905 27322.