I AM grateful for L Spiteri's letter headlined "Misuse of resources", specifically his words "the consumer's choice to generate less rubbish is limited, because our food is mainly supplied in plastic".

I now treat the outpourings of those enthusiastically embracing "recycling" with contempt.

You can't communicate with the people "responsible", because they might just as well be programmable robots.

In fact, they might be, for all I know. As I have consistently said, if we want to tackle "rubbish" we have to tackle its production as packaging, instead of the disposal, or recycling, of that packaging, as household waste.

Isn't it a fact that those of us who are concerned about our environment might just as well go and talk to the trees? Isn't it a fact that when it comes to "recycling" the lights are on, but nobody's home, because those responsible for "recycling" don't want to know that they are "solving" the wrong problem?

Isn't it the same everywhere you look on environmental issues?

Can anyone explain to me why politicians are still fixated with economic growth, when glaciers, and ice shelves, are melting, while two thirds of the world people now live beneath a three-mile thick blanket of smog, which now stretches from Afghanistan to China?

When they have filled our country up with immigrants and built over every square inch of our green and pleasant land, will we be expected to breathe through facemasks - as those in the "Third World" are now doing?

