CELLULITE is the build-up of fatty deposits which make the skin on thighs, bottom or stomach, pitted, lumpy and looking like orange peel.

And the Shuttle/Times and News has joined forces with Holland and Barrett to offer readers the chance of winning an aromatherapy pack to help fight cellulite. Each pack contains a bottle of juniper oil, a bottle of grapeseed oil and a mixing bottle worth more than £100.

Here are a few suggestions from Holland and Barrett, to help you improve the look of your skin.

You do not have to be overweight to get cellulite. This is often formed because the body is over-loaded with toxins. This means the lymphatic system - the internal waste disposal unit - cannot work properly.

Spring clean your body by trying to avoid chemicals, stimulants such as coffee, artificial additives and refined foods.

Ensure you get a good supply of vitamins C and E, which help to eliminate toxins and prevent a build-up of cellulite.

Milk thistle and spirulina may help support efficient liver function to ensure the toxins in your body are eliminated effectively.

Traditional support for orange-peel skin includes the tropical herb gota kola, said to help improve the circulation to the skin by enhancing the integrity of blood vessels to the skin's connective tissue collagen.

Bromelain, an enzyme extracted from pineapples, may also help to ensure proper digestion and help prevent the build-up of toxins, which leads to cellulite.

Cut down on junk foods, saturated fats, sugar and salt. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables - at least five portions a day are recommended for optimum health.

Switching to chemical-free organic products may help eliminate toxins. You should include whole grains, dried fruits, nuts and seeds in your diet, but keep dairy foods and red meat to a minimum.

People hardly ever drink enough water. Cellulite may be partly due to the body retaining water, because it does not get enough.

You should try to drink up to two litres of filtered tap water or bottled mineral water each day to help cleanse the system. A good tip is to take a full bottle of water to work and aim to drink it all during the day.

Avoid fizzy drinks and switch to decaffeinated tea and coffee. Try herbal or fruit tees, especially fennel or strawberry, which are particularly cleansing.

Taking regular exercise will improve your circulation and help stop toxins building up.

This does not have to mean hours in the gym pumping iron - walking and swimming, or yoga, will get the blood flowing freely. Avoid sitting or standing in the same position for too long. Try a little gentle stretching or going up or down stairs whenever you can.

Regular massage and dry body brushing encourages the lympathic system to work more efficiently.

After a bath or shower, massage your legs and tummy with your own personal blend of aromatherapy essential oils. Try juniper, lemon or fennel to help eliminate toxins and cypress and rosemary for the circulation. Add one drop of pure essential oil to 2ml of a base oil such as sweet almond or grapeseed. Use long, firm strokes, always working towards the heart.

In between times, gently brush your skin with a soft body brush, again always using upward strokes towards the heart to stimulate toxin elimination. After you have worked so hard to get rid of your cellulite, do not go back to your old habits. Build your cellulite action plan into your everyday life.

Further information can be found at Holland and Barrett website.

For the chance to win a massage pack, answer the following question:

What is commonly known as the "internal waste disposal system"?

Entries must be received by Friday, September 13.

Normal Newsquest rules apply.