ON Bank Holiday Monday I was pleased to have been invited to judge the fancy dress competitions at Ledbury Carnival.

It was terrific to see so many people still keen to take part and willing to turn up at 9.30am, and earlier, with many having clearly put weeks of work into their elaborate costumes and floats.

Today's newspaper reflects the wide variety of events which took place over the holiday weekend, the Upton Water Festival, Cradley Music Festival, the Bosbury Bonanza and even Malvern in Bloom.

Behind all of these, of course, there is a lot of often mundane but essential organisational work to be done. In the case of Ledbury Carnival the task has even been passed down by parents to a second generation!

Organising anything is often a thankless task. It takes courage to put your head over the parapet and try and do something constructive.

People rarely think to say 'that was brilliant, well done' but will often point out things they think could have been done better.

The best reward for organisers, and usually the only one, is to see their event well supported and people enjoying themselves.

So to all those people who organised an event last weekend, we would like to say ''that was brilliant, well done".