SUCH a joy when I discovered the Belle Vue Terrace car park.

I can now visit my bank or building society for 15 to 20 minutes without worrying where I am going to park and without having a tedious walk either up Edith Walk or Church Street. I am a senior citizen and find difficulty in walking up steep hills.

However, I see in the Malvern Gazette (August 16) that the town council is requesting three designated car park spaces for its staff, who have to park 1 miles away and walk that distance to their office in "high heels (presumably not the men?) carrying "heavy bags".

As there are already four spaces designated to the Cheltenham & Gloucester Building Society and two spaces for Severn Office Systems (all on the lower deck I may add) I am wondering how long it will be before some of the other businesses on Belle Vue Terrace request designated places for their staff, thus leaving very few places for the general public, for whom the car park was supposed to be available in the first place.

The walk to the upper deck of the car park is very, very steep and I will use it if absolutely necessary, but may I suggest that any places allocated to the town council, or others, are on the upper deck, as I am sure their "poor staff" will be able to negotiate the steep rise better than myself and other senior citizens like me.

MRS HAZEL R SIMONS, Woodbury Rise, Malvern.