WHILE visiting my daughter on holiday, I recently attended a meeting of Malvern Town Council on August 5 as a member of the public. I was interested to read your newspaper's reporting of the meeting.

You correctly reported the facts about so called bureaucracy over council minutes and also the outcome of the Avon Close play area.

What you failed to do, however, was inform your readers that the MTAG group were in the majority at this meeting - a total contradiction therefore to Coun Phillips' statement on your front page (August 16) that they do not have 'control' of the town council. Also, the appalling way in which the town clerk was treated at a public meeting.

Time and time again the clerk was jeered and sneered at, while obviously trying to do her professional best.

I understand the current town clerk is the third Malvern has had in a year. If councillors carry on in this way, you will soon be looking for your fourth - if anyone will do it!

MAJOR DAVID ELMWICK, Excelsior Close, Cardiff.