I HAVE been asked to respond to Martin Burd (Your Letters, August 16).

I find it difficult to add much to the excellent letter from my colleague Alistair Macmillan, which very much represents the views of MTAG.

As far as the vision for the future is concerned, this has to be viewed from the perspective of the very few services for which the parish council is responsible, as outlined by Alistair Macmillan and which we would carry out in a more efficient and cost-effective way. The real vision for the future of Malvern town is the remit of the district council.

I would, however, say in addition, that we would beautify the town with better floral displays and hanging baskets and provide better Christmas lights.

While I hope this would improve 'visitors perception' I am sure it would bring approval from our hard pressed Council Tax payers who voted us in to reduce expenditure by such a large majority.

COUN KEITH PHILLIPS, leader MTAG Councillors, Avenue Road, Malvern.