MARTIN Burd (Your Letters, August 16) deserves full marks for persistence but perhaps it would be helpful if he had one or two facts before he rushes into print again.

MTAG is non-political in that it is not connected in any way with any of the established political parties. I believe, but do not know for certain, that the nine MTAG councillors include people who vote Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem. The other members of the council include seven Lib Dems, four Greens, two Tories (one of whom has just resigned) and three Independents.

I am not aware of a political manifesto (or vision for Malvern) published by any of those councillors but if Mr Burd has copies I would be glad to see them.

In any case Malvern Town Council, like the great majority of parish councils, does not operate on a political basis. The Liberal Democrats have already said they will not be putting up Lib Dem candidates for the next Town Council.

The responsibilities of a parish council are very limited. I think I am right in saying that their only legal responsibility is to provide allotments. We are also responsible for 14 watercourses or ditches, nine play areas, 24 bus shelters, Victoria Park, 100 plus litter bins, a cemetery, three clocks, one clock tower, various playing fields and some street furniture. And we have a 'town hall' converted at huge expense and grossly under utilised. In my view it should not cost the taxpayers over £800,000 pa to look after that lot.

My vision is of a council that actually looks after its assets at reasonable cost - and I have made endless efforts to get something done about the Church Street bus shelter; that knows what it is spending, and until recently it did not; and that does not spend a disproportionate amount of time on such non-productive activities as revising standing orders, discussing health and safety regs, and drafting best value plans.

I also think the town council has a valid role in speaking for the town on such questions as parking, the upkeep of the urban commons, the future of the theatre, the promotion of tourism and the regeneration of the town centre, although these are not matters for which it is directly responsible.

Perhaps Mr Burd will now ask non-MTAG members of the council for their visions?

ALISTAIR MACMILLAN, Malvern Town councillor, Alexandra Lane, Malvern.