n Mercury 2002 Compilation CD (BBC)

This CD (available for six weeks only) features a track from each of the 12 albums shortlisted for the 2002 Panasonic Mercury Music Prize.

Names such as Beverley Knight, The Electric Soft Parade, Doves, David Bowie, PJ Harvey, the Coral and the Streets are featured.

But the killer track is undoubtedly Gemma Hayes' Let A Good Thing Go.

The winner will be announced at the Mercury Prize Show on Tuesday, September 17.


n Enrique Iglesias - Love To See You Cry (Universal/Interscope)

One of Enrique's best offerings to date.

It's sultry, sexy and makes you wonder how many holiday romances this song has spawned on the typical Brit package holiday.

It conjures up images of golden sands, humid beach bars and exotic cocktails.

Sad Eyes, on the B-side, is a winner too.


n Ash (right) - Envy (Infectious)

In-yer-face pop guitar which had radio play well before its release.

And quite rightly so.


n Rhianna - Word Love (Sony)

Pop with a funky slant - Rhianna looks like the cool cat with the big hair and green funkster flares.

She recently played V2002 and her posters were everywhere - around the Staffs Weston park site at least.

Maybe its just me - but I can't help but think of The Jackson Five.

Whatever, the song grooves and moves.


n Anastacia - Why'd You Lie To Me (Epic)

Still up-tempo, not as strong as some of Anastacia's past records - but a grower though.

Taken from her second album Freak of Nature.


n X-Press 2 - I Want You Back (Skint)

A disappointing second single after the pop brilliance of Lazy.

This time joined by Dieter Meier, it's darker and sleazier than its predecessor and is bound to go down well in clubs, but misses the X factor.

Bring back David Byrne.


n Tweenies - Have Fun, Go Mad (BBC)

Imagine ice cream and burgers at McDonalds, red haired Ronald himself, a group of 20 kids and the Tweenies being played on a tinny portable stereo.

All the ingredients for a winner of a fast food kiddies party - and don't the little ones just love it.


n Harvey - Get Up And Move (Go Beat)

Super-tough rap by So Solid Crew member Harvey that fails to make a dent.

Oh, and if Harvey and the boyz ever invite you to a party - get up and move as far away from them as possible.


n Lasgo - Some Things (Positiva)

Mostly typical Euro beats, yet the song Follow You spawns an interesting merger of 21st Century trance and 80s synthesised sounds.

Apart from Lasgo's two singles, one of the outstanding track is in fact Follow You. Top pop tunes.