A Corner of Worcestershire became the 51st state of America over the Bank Holiday weekend, as people came from all over the country for an American Extravaganza.

The event saw US vehicles, food, dancing, music and cowboys and native Americans descend on the Three Counties Showground.

Organiser Lizzie Diamond said the show had gone very well, with an estimated attendance in excess of 7,000 paying guests plus a similar number of children, who did not have to pay to get in.

Those who came saw Stateside vehicles of all shapes and sizes including a massive juggernaut organisers were afraid would not fit through the gate, and a 1958 Dodge with solid gold hub and dust caps.

Also on offer was the chance to see cowboys living just as they did in the Wild West, as members of The Little Round Top manned a live-in encampment, dressing in period costume and behaving in character for the whole weekend. Those of a non-squeamish disposition could even see an amputation done as it would have been in the old days!

"It went very well," Miss Diamond said. "We did hear that all around us was severe weather, but although we had a little storm, there was nothing that bad."

As well as the attractions of line dancing, rock'n'roll and country and western, showgoers had a wide variety of stalls to browse through and deck themselves out in genuine American regalia. Among these were a customised leather off-cuts stall, a stall selling second-hand Levi's imported from Amer-ica and one for car part spares.