A WORCESTERSHIRE couple have been forced to quit their beloved pub and its customers after becoming the latest economic victims of last year's foot-and-mouth epidemic.

Ken and Heather Woods met and married in South Africa four years ago. They returned to England and began married life running the Wheatsheaf Inn, Badsey, a dream sadly short-lived.

The foot-and-mouth epidemic caused them to suffer severe financial losses from which they were unable to recover.

Ken cited the knock-on effects of foot-and-mouth on the bed-and-breakfast side of their business as a contributory factor to their problems.

Cancellations followed the outbreak of the disease, when events such as the Cheltenham Festival race meeting were called off.

The couple were unable to secure Government financial aid for businesses suffering in the wake of the problems caused by the disease.

Their memories of life in Badsey, however, were not tarnished. Ken spoke warmly about their "lovely pub" which had been involved in charity work and won many awards.

When asked what he would miss most, Ken replied, without hesitation, "the customers".

The couple held a party, before leaving at the weekend.

A friend brought a horse-drawn dray to mark their departure.

Ken said they "might end up on the Continent" in the future.