GENEROUS people in Droitwich are being urged to grab their walking boots for a charity event.

The Rotary Club of Droitwich is organising a Jubilee Walkathon which will be held on Sunday, September 15 to raise cash for Polio Plus.

There are four different walks, all of which begin at Vines Park and end in the Lido Park, where there will be entertainment and music.

The shortest walk is two miles, with a five and 10-mile walk and a 22-mile trek for the more adventurous.

"We have had quite a few people come forward to take part in the walkathon," said Stuart Beardsall, the club's press officer.

"However, I would still urge people to come and take part in the walkathon.

"It will be a fun day and money raised will be going to such a worthwhile cause."

Anyone interested can collect an application form from Edgar Harwood on 01905 797251.