A NEW pre-school for Worcester youngsters has been set up after they were forced to leave their city home.

Toddlers at Manor Park Pre-School in Lower Wick will now be travelling to Callow End.

The pre-school had been based on Ministry Of Defence property in Regina Close for 26 years, but dozens of properties in Lower Wick are being handed back after a reduction of military personnel in the area.

It is now setting up as Little Ducklings Pre-School at Callow End Village Hall and will open its doors on Monday, September 9.

"We're all so relieved that we can open our doors next month," said head supervisor Lyn Mclean.

"We've been Ofsted-approved. They've been very good rushing it through for us.

"We've had a very busy summer. All our toddlers are coming across with us."

The village hall was found after a search for suitable premises in Worcester failed.

It has recently been refurbished and will provide the only pre-school facility in the village.

"It's been all hands on deck getting it together," said Mrs Mclean.

"Hopefully it will be an indefinite agreement.

"The Early Years department at the council has been very helpful to us. They've been out to talk to the parents. We'll be having an official opening soon to say thanks you to everyone who helped us, including Coun Derek Prodger and MP Mike Foster.

"We hope to attract children from Callow End who will make friends with our toddlers.

"They didn't have a pre-school in the village and they're over the moon that we're there."

Sixteen youngsters are transferring across to the new pre-school.

It will open Monday to Friday, excluding Wednesdays, from 9.30am until 1pm. In the spring term it will be open Monday to Friday.